We do have azaleas and rhododendrons that are so overgrown they reach to the roof. When they finish blooming there will be some serious pruning going on. The downpours this week are really beating up the azaleas.
These sticks are three lilac bushes. Will they bloom next year?
Two of the lilacs are pink and the center one is purple. Won't that be beautiful?
In future posts I'll share more of the beginnings of this garden. The Windham Garden Club (Connecticut) is having a plant sale on Saturday. You can bet I'll be there! Members are dividing perennials and selling them along with donations from greenhouses. I am a member but have nothing to share yet. If the garden grows well, next year I can share bee balm, silver mound artemisia, Shasta daisies and more.
I'm joining The Little Round Table for "This Week in the Garden." You have to see the beautiful roses!
Just love azaleas and rhododendrons, your photographs are so pretty! Visiting from This Week in My Garden.
It's a great year here for rhodos and azaleas - cool and rainy. Our lilacs are still hiding, but I look forward to their perfume soon. Have a great tine at the plant sale!
The azaleas are pretty and it looks like you have made a good start. I like your garden assistant he could give a few pointers to our Birthday Bear.
I love my gardens! Wish I lived closer, I could share lemon balm, oregano, thyme, lambs ear, Lariope, chicke weed - oh wait nobody wants chick weed.... Can't wait to see your gardens in full bloom!
How wonderful to be able to be here in the beginning, and watch your gardens grow! Those lilacs will fill in, in no time! I'm looking forward to seeing the transformation.
What a great project! It will be wonderful to see the garden evolve over the coming years. :-)
Thanks so much for joining the garden party.
I wish I could grow Azaleas! Not enough acid here! Lovely photos!
I bet everything is going to be just beautiful! all your work will really pay off. Have a wonderful day!
Nancy the first photo with the rain drops on the blossom is so beautiful.
Love azaleas and rhododendron too, but I will always fall for the lilacs...they make me swoon!
Next year will be wonderful with the plating you'll do this year but I'm sure that you'll be in for a few surprises as the summer approaches. Yor trees are beautiful!
Lilacs are the great start to Spring around here. One of my absolute favorites!!
Coming over from Little Round Table's garden party to peek around! Gardens are always a work in progress - what would we do if they weren't? would love to have you share at Cottage Flora Thursday's garden party sometime? xoxo, tracie
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