It seemed so difficult this morning. And it was so hot and humid that I was limp by the time the TV, DVD player and the computers were loaded. Oh, and the four cats. Plus so many odds and ends. I put the bread in the container of dry cat food. We were so short of space that there will be many surprises for days to come.
It wasn't until we were eating pizza at 11 PM that I realized it was Friday the 13th!
Here is a photo of the living room. Look at all that glass and the view of the trees. See why I was excited about the house? And our daughter and s.i.l. are happy to have us here. Can you believe the night is cool (and dry) and we have the attic fan on? No A/C!
Thank you all for your good wishes!
Being a new visitor I don't quite understand. You have moved and this photo is of the new living room? Already? A day later?
It takes me weeks to shift everything into place.
Welcome to New England (again)!
Thanks for the shout out on your post. I appreciate any and all traffic that comes my way; each one a chance for a new friendship. Glad your trip is done and now you can catch your breath for a minute before the craziness of getting settled drives you to distraction. I don't think we are too far from each other...maybe an hour and a half or so ( of course I haven't really looked at the Atlas yet, so it's just a guess). Maybe we can get together in the fall for a little shopping/coffee trip!
Looks wonderful - and you'll enjoy it even more once things are unpacked and settled.
You are finally there!! In a few more days the cats will settle in, and you will get everything unpacked and all will be well!
I gather from this that you have moved to New England. I'm green with envy.Your livingroom is lovely. I need to get a new matress, but have procrastinated because I don't know what kind to get. Would you recommend the Tempur Pedic.
Wow, I love all those windows and the pretty view of the trees. You have a gorgeous new living room.
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