For Christmas, Santa put a large red spoon in my stocking. I finally threw away my favorite spoon that was so chipped, it left people wondering if the chipped pieces were in the spaghetti sauce they were eating! Well, I love my red spoon so much (knowing where Santa shopped) I went to Dollar Tree and bought another spoon and a spatula. Don't they look lovely! And the cyclamen I bought in CT this summer is blooming again. Isn't that red an exact match? My kitchen is small but it certainly is cheery!
This photo was taken with my new Christmas Camera! Thanks kids! I'm lovin' it!

Santa's a clever chap :)
Pretty reds in your picture, camera takes great sharp photos. I love the cyclamen plants, wished I had luck with growing them.
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment.
loving that red!!
beautiful colors and you do real good with that new camera! ~Jeanne
Love the red spoons!!
I like the red!!! :) Good luck with your Goodwill trip. I hate having to lug it all to the car!
Wow that looks cheerful. Shoot, I planted my cyclamen. Didn't realize they would work indoors! Yours looks so healthy - mine sort of raggy but they made it through the cold weather we had with only a sheet! Have a great day! :) Nancy
Oh new cameras are beautiful and the clarity in this shot is great!!
Hey Santa shops at my favorite store!
I have some new red spoons and spatulas, too. They make me smile.
The red is really vibrant. It's so nice you were able to find a duplicate of the spoon. You're right it matches the color of the cyclamen almost perfectly.
*applause* Ohhh I wish you could see the smile slapped across my face right now!
Yes!!! Yes... you have it.. finding beauty in the most unusual...OR usual places... but sharing them. You couldve enjoyed this new spoon every morning...but now having shared that thought will be stamped in time!
I loved when you said everyone wonders where the "chip" was... made me smile. Reminded me back in the days of tefflon... when you saw it wear off the bottom of the pans... only came off when you washed the pan... uh huh...sure only then-- never while cooking!
Thanks so much for joining us!
Yep, that IS a perfect match - and I've never seen a cyclamen quite that colour! It's very pretty, and I think you've set up that shot perfectly.
Funny about the spoon! I suppose I might be wondering too! LOL!
Well done...such snappy colors. This blogging world is such an encouragement to look around my hubby and kids tease me about all the pictures I take now. Hope you have a grand weekend!
A red spoon is fabulous! I will have to peek out our dollar store to see if they carry those :) Red is always cheery and we all need an extra dose of that this winter!
I'm glad that you enjoyed my sugared hearts!
Hi --it was so nice to meet you though "Finding Beauty!" This was a fun post ...I love the color red in a kitchen also!
I enjoyed looking at your blog and I see you are an Elizabeth Berg fan like I am. Did you end up buying that pretty house in Connecticut?
Lovely colors in your photo. Your new camera takes great shots. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.
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