Friday, January 10, 2014

Land Conservation - Joshua Trust in Northeastern Connecticut

The pictures made at the various Joshua Trust properties have been put on display at the Willimantic CT Public Library. The photos were taken by Marcia and Wayne Kilpatrick and Nancy Hoffmann.

Joshua Trust protects over 4,000 acres of land in northeastern CT. Check out their home page here and their various properties here. These properties were either donated to the Trust or purchased by the Trust.

If you live near Willimantic, please drop in to see the exhibit. There are trails on all Joshua Trust properties, maintained by volunteers for your walking pleasure.


Stephanie said...

Wish I could see the show in person. Looks great!

Sheila said...

Happy New Year Nancy! You must be so pleased to see your photos on display in this special collection!

Unknown said...

Beautiful. I think decorating is my art.