So I went to Mary's blog, The Little Red House, and read her tutorial on how to make a mosaic. Then I had to try and remember how to deal with Flickr. Where is my password? What? This is Yahoo? Which email, which password, which "screen name?" EEEEEEEEEEE! HELP!
I'm into Flickr and have uploaded my photos. Now Mary says put them in Big Huge Labs. I'm in Big Huge Labs. How do I get my pictures there? I need a photo set??? What is that? Back to Flickr. Found the button and created a photo set. Instructions say hit the mosaic button. Where the hell is it????? Back to Big Huge Labs. Oh, I have to create an account. And link it to my Flickr account? Click here, click there. What am I agreeing to? Is this worth is? Okay, I'm linked. Put in the URL of the Photo Set! Does this never end? Choose colors for background and border. If I don't like the colors can I go back and change them? Apparently not. How many pixels between photos? How do I know how large a space 5 pixels is? Can I shuffle them?? Don't know. Okay - create. Figured out how to export and there it is on my desktop. Then I had to resize it!
I'm exhausted! Will I ever remember how to do this again?
I have not been able to find a free download to help me create a collage on a Mac. Photoshop Elements will create one like snapshots or other fancy things, but not like the style above. If you type in Google "create mosaic" you get those things where tiny pictures create a large picture like in the shape of a heart. And lots of the things don't work on a Mac. If anyone has any advice, please tell me! Please! There must be an easier way.
Now that I have calmed down, I will tell you I have been in the yard taking pictures of mushrooms. When it rains they magically appear the next day. Aren't they lovely? The one in the top row in the center is the largest. The top of it is about as large as my hand. The others are from one and a half inches to four inches. I wish I had a mushroom book. Will have to check for one at the library.
I need to go to bed and rest now. My brain is smoking.
Oh, forgot to say I'm joining Little Red House for Mosaic Monday.
Not that you'd want to after all that, but I do believe that you can identify these online. LOL
Great job!
Nice mosaic...
I know how hard it is to choose and learn how to use these new programs, the more there are the more complicated... I stick to photoshop and do my own.
I've noticed you have an actor son, and you said starving...I'm pretty sure that's in jest. I have a ten-year son who loves to act in tv shows and theater in our country and that made me think about him... would he be starving in his future if he continues his desire to act? Oh I pray not... But I love watching him perform. Just sharing my thoughts ♥
Thanks for sharing this lovely mosaic! Have a nice week,
So the burning smell coming from the screen is your brain? Oh no! There's nothing more frustrating than knowing that you know something, but being unable to get that something going. Big sympathy from here, but no advice at all, as I'm hopeless.
I feel your pain. I use picnik at times, its very user friendly and if you only do simple things, it's free. Google it and you should find the address!
I use Picnik on my Mac. Takes a while to upload pictures but there are lots of options! I feel your pain.
Your mosaic turned out lovley. Neat photos of all the mushrooms. Have a great week!
Well in spite of all the challenges you faced creating this mosaic you did really very well!! And what a variety of mushrooms!!! Have a wonderful week! Cathy
Oh your description of trying to make a mosaic was like looking in the mirror. I go through this every time I change the header on my blog. I still have the bruises from last weeks change and I already know when I'm ready to make a new header for fall I'll be in the throngs of some pretty bad language once again.
Oh my goodness LOL I have been there too.Picasa takes your pictures but I have seen somethere that you don't need to have that and I am almost sure it is on my little macbook. PIcnic is on Picasa too. NOw I have the same problem with making a mosaic on mac so I do that on another computer. But maybe I can use hugh big labs on my macbook. I take that with me when we go on holidays.I m going to have a look.
Love your mushrooms ... texture and color are fun! Have a delightful week!
Hopefully, your brain has cooled down a bit!The pictures of the fungus....mushrooms are great! I can see how they would be inspiring!
Your mosaic is lovely.
I have an Apple MacBook Pro and I use BigHugeLabs all the time to make my mosaics. I found BigHugeLabs' programs to be the easiest and quickest for me. I pick Flickr and either use my photos or my faves (favorites) to use in my mosaics. If someone has blocked their photos I just edit my mosaic and find another fave to use. Don't forget to copy the legend and save the mosaic to your computer before leaving BigHugeLabs. After I insert the mosaic into my blog I paste the legend in under the mosaic photo to give credit back to the source when using others' photos.
I also have used Picnik for making mosaics and Apple's iPhoto program too. All of these tech things take practice and doing them over and over at least for me before I felt at ease using them.
Here's a tutorial I found to be excellent too:
Have fun and enjoy making your mosaics!
I use both Picasa and Picnik. If you want Picasa to stop automatically bringing in all your photos, here is what you do.
1. Tools
2. Folder Manager
3. Click on the folder that holds your photos.
4. Look to the right and check "Remove from Picasa".
Hope this helps in case you want to try Picasa again! :0)
Like the comment above I would suggest going back to Picasa, you can store your photos there without them going on line which is how I use it, another back up I suppose.
Wow, your story made me laugh because I think we've all been there and felt the same frustrations!
I don't have any advice for you (not a mac person), but I think your mosaic is lovely and the mushrooms are so interesting.
This is a neat mosaic! I use Picasa and Picnik, too! They are easy and quick...most of the time! lol ♥
I understand how you feel. I've been learning how to find things in a new program my son installed on my computer. think of the workout your brain had - those neurones must be dancing tonight! Good luck and soon enough it will be as easy as it always was - I hope!
Just wondering if you are ok. Are you anywhere near this storm? Linda
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