You might have noticed I have been absent a lot lately. My husband's health issues are very time consuming. We are still adjusting to our "new normal." I am trying to stay creative and optimistic. A lunch with artist friends tomorrow is something I am looking forward to. Both of those friends can do anything. Among other talents, one makes guitars, paints and drums; the other spins, felts and does woodworking. A visit to either of their houses is a treat!
My son-in-law gave me a Gelli plate for Christmas. I am having a ball experimenting with it. So far I am making backgrounds for collages and also tearing some of the papers to use in the collages. This is taking me off on a new track.
At the same time, I keep my hand in on photography. I will be displaying a digital art work on canvas at the Snow Ball Dance in Willimantic, CT, and donating a framed piece to the silent auction to be held the same night.
My son-in-law gave me a Gelli plate for Christmas. I am having a ball experimenting with it. So far I am making backgrounds for collages and also tearing some of the papers to use in the collages. This is taking me off on a new track.
At the same time, I keep my hand in on photography. I will be displaying a digital art work on canvas at the Snow Ball Dance in Willimantic, CT, and donating a framed piece to the silent auction to be held the same night.
This collage, "Into the Red" uses torn photographs, stone beads, and rolled paper beads.