Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cloud Beds

This is the Private Cloud rocking bed by Manuel Kloker. You can make it rock by dangling your foot over the side and swinging it. It is hard to imagine how this would feel. Cradles rock from side to side as do hammocks. Both people in a couple would have to love to rock. I love anything that rocks or swings so this bed intriques me! Maybe this Private Cloud Bed would be better if it had a motor to keep it rocking like the baby swings do.

If you get tired of rocking you can use the Flexible Feet that come with each bed. Another option is the nightstand which has a peg to prop the rocker on. You can set the bed at any tilt - with the head above or below level.
"This Cloud Bed is inspired by Ming Dynasty-era Chinese alcove beds, and the idea of the bed as a "room within a room." Here the form is updated, and the mobility provided by the casters lends itself to flexible, open-plan contemporary living spaces." <>


Alea Milham said...

The alcove bed reminds me of Jefferson's alcove bed, which I always found intriguing.

Britt said...

My husband would think that rocking bed was so cool! I better not show it to him or he will want to run out and buy it :)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, this is SO cool! Like a hammock in bed form. Want! =)

Heather said...

Cool! Sounds relaxing!

Pauline Wiles said...

Oooh, freaky. Not sure it's a good idea in an earthquake zone - you might find you'd rocked right down the street!
But I'd love to give it a try... maybe in a hotel?

Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

That cloud bed is crazy! Fun post though.


Susan @ Your home, only better. said...

Ha ha ha, my four year old looked at this with me, and now she wants one for Christmas. Looks heavenly!

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

I am intrigued. :)

Thanks so much for stopping by last week...I have been out of town and am just now returning visits. :) I like the concept of being "stylishly comfortable." :)

evilkitty75 said...

O wow i want one!!