Well, it finally happened. My six year old hand-me-down Mac laptop died! Just went black and that was it! Scary! I took it to be diagnosed in case it was only the power cord but no. Probably the logic board they said. Not worth replacing in a six year old computer. I was feeling lost without it.
My sweet, concerned husband insisted I buy a new laptop while we were at the store. I was keeping a stiff upper lip and said we couldn't possibly afford it and I would feel guilty spending so much money. He insisted. What a guy! Maybe I shouldn't mention that if I didn't replace the laptop I would be sharing the desktop computer with hubby and his ballgames.
So I have a new 15 inch MacBook Pro laptop. We were leaving for Maine the next day and I didn't even have time to turn it on!!! We arrived in Connecticut and No. 1 son-in-law helped me set up some programs and system preferences. Now I'm home and ready to get cracking! I have to figure out file sharing to move over photos and music. My sons and son-in-law will be getting some "help me" phone calls.
Always something to worry about.

The actor son has the swine flu and we came home to a sick cat - Paws. Here is Paws in a
non-sick napping moment on the back of my recliner. I put him on the recliner tonight and sat with him for a while. If he is not better tomorrow we go to the vet.
Hopefully I will have some Maine photos posted soon. Shopping on Commercial Street in
Portland was fun and eating seafood was fantastic. We also went to see Portland Head Lighthouse.