On the home scene, I returned from the New England trip feeling under the weather. My caring hubby was up early to make an appointment for me with the doctor (a scary thing when you have no health insurance). Please, all of you contact your senators and representatives and tell them we need a public option for insurance. One's health insurance should not equal the cost of one's mortgage!
The actor son, Kevin, has recovered from the flu and is going back to work at the Old Globe Theater, the Lowell Davies Festival, tonight. See the outdoor stage. He has roles in three plays, Cyrano De Bergerac, Coriolanus, and Twelfth Night. Here is a review of Twelfth Night in which Kevin plays Sebastian, the boy twin. My daughter, her husband and I have reservations to see him in all three plays later in August. I am very excited!! My hubby will hold down the fort at home.
So glad you're back on a laptop, home safe and still going out to California to see the plays!
Thank you for the compliment!
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